Welcome to Bryanville!

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Concept Carz
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Josh Harding Memorial

Latest News
      A LOT of the site content is updated, so look around and see what's new!
Note from Mayor Bryan
      Hey guys! I finally got a chance to update my site! This has been a busy winter for me. As most of you all saw my article in the newspaper about my new invention. JamCams. Summer is almost here! And with that another year working at sawmill. I have already gotten started working on things to get paintball ready for the season. Life is doing good right now.
Attention Paintball Players  UPDATED!
    Pursuit Park Paintball will be offering a member's plus program this summer. It costs $40 and you get several benefits, like: discounted paint, cheap CO2 refills, and more! check out the Pursuit Park website for details! click here

- Peace
Friends don’t let friends drive naked or drunk!

A special thanks to all my friends.


Thoughts of the month  NEW!

They say when nature calls you should answer it, I say let the answering machine get it.

Never knock on Death's door. Ring the doorbell and run, he hates that! 

Statistics are like bikinis. What they conceal is more important than what they reveal.

Time flies when you're in a coma.

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Thanks much to the Hit Counter visitors to my site since April 8th 2002!
Last Updated on Monday, February 03, 2003 at 09:49 PM

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